Maybe he is already here?

Based on Matthew 25:31-46


When I was in my early teens, I went to a Youth for Christ film evening and watched A Thief in the Night and A Distant Thunder. These were the first two instalments in a series of ‘end times’ films that dealt with the second coming of the Christ, the rapture, and the great tribulation. 


I am sure you all be familiar with these concepts. They are primarily taught by American style evangelical denominations but they are also found in some churches here that follow their teachings. The fundamental tenets are that the return of the Christ will take the form of a rapture, in which believers will be taken up to heaven by Jesus, and this will be followed by a great tribulation, albeit with some dispute over the precise order in which everything is believed to be going to happen. 


A Thief in the Night tells the story of Patty, who is presented as being a nominal Christian. But she is not a true believer, so therefore not a genuine one. One day, her husband and millions of other people suddenly disappear, and Patty realises, not only was this the rapture she had heard about, but as someone who was not a real Christian, she had been left behind. A totalitarian regime is set up, and everyone is required to receive the ‘mark of the beast’ on the back of their hand or their forehead. Those who resist are arrested and rounded up. Patty tries to avoid the authorities but is eventually captured. She escapes but is cornered and falls, seemingly to her death, but then she wakes up. It was all a nightmare. She turns on the radio, and to her horror, she listens to a report of the rapture. Her nightmare has really only just begun.


A Distant Thunder continues the story and sees Patty having to choose between accepting the mark – and with it, eternal damnation – and a gruesome death.


A few years ago, I found some of the more memorable scenes on YouTube, and I found them so cheesy they were almost laughable. But that was not how I found them some 45 years ago. I was terrified by those films. I could not sleep properly for weeks afterwards. I would lie awake at night, worrying that the rapture would come any day now, and that like Patty, I might not be a ‘proper’ Christian would be left behind.


Those films were a representative snapshot of the toxic fundamentalism that led me to completely reject Christianity a few years later. I could not subscribe to a religion that kept its followers in line through the strategic use of terror.


Twenty years later, I found my way back to the Church. And I learned that the idea of a rapture to be followed by a great tribulation was not at all believed in by the early Church, but is in fact a relatively modern construct. It originated among American Puritans in the 17th Century, was emphasised by the Plymouth Brethren about a couple of hundred years later, but did not really gain widespread support until the 1970s. And films like A Thief in the Night and A Distant Thunder helped popularise it.


Now it may well be that the rapture is a deeply held belief of yours. If this is the case, it is not my intention today to tell you that you are wrong or try to convince you to change your beliefs. But I would like to invite you to consider a different scenario altogether.


The second coming of the Christ is arguably the hardest doctrine of the Church to understand, and it does not help when different passages of scripture with very different contexts are jumbled together. Rapture theology takes in part of St Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians, throws in a few selected sound bites from of the gospels, mixes in the apocalyptic second half of the book of Daniel, but draws most heavily on the Book of Revelation. But we should not just mix up random texts like a mad fusion chef and see what we come up with.


While scriptural references to the second coming do indeed tell of Jesus meeting with his people, trying to amalgamate it with a great tribulation is just wrong. Yes, there is a great tribulation described in Revelation. But this refers to the persecution suffered by the early Church at the hands of the Romans, and not to any future events. The ‘mark of the beast’ was the use of Roman currency bearing the image of the emperor, and the ‘beast’ was almost certainly Nero.


So while members of the early Church may not have believed in the rapture as it is generally understood today, they did believe in a coming revelation of the resurrected Christ. And they believed this was imminent. Indeed, Jesus had clearly told his followers their generation would not pass away until all these things have taken place.1 But their generation has long since passed away. And we are still waiting.


So does this mean Jesus got it completely wrong? No, it does not. The texts I have just referred to can be described as being apocalyptic. While ‘apocalyptic’ and ‘apocalypse’ are now popularly taken to refer to the end of the world as we know it, the original meaning is closer to uncovering, or revelation. In the words of American Baptist minister Chuck Queen, “…apocalyptic language points to some kind of ultimate vindication and redemption that means life beyond this life.”2


The second coming of the Christ is anticipated by the season of Advent, which commences next Sunday. And Advent is in turn anticipated by today, which is Christ the King Sunday. This is a relatively recent addition to the Church’s liturgical calendar. It was first instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI, with the grandiose title of ‘The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe’. And while it was initially only a Catholic feast, it was soon adopted by other denominations of the Church.


Christ the King Sunday observes the coming reign of Christ. It is the complete antithesis of Jesus being mocked as the ‘King of the Jews’ prior to his crucifixion. And its occurrence on the last Sunday before Advent points toward the incarnation of God in human form at Christmas. So today is an appropriate day on which to prayerfully reflect what on what it means to say the Christ will come again. In the words of the Memorial Acclamation, Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come in glory.


But if the Christ is not going manifest himself in the form of a rapture, then we need to consider just how he will appear to the world.


Well I would like you to consider that maybe he already has and that he now walks among us.


And that maybe those wonderful words from the Gospel according to St John, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us,”3 are just as relevant as they were at the first Christmas more than two thousand years ago.


In today’s gospel reading, Jesus teaches that whenever we give food to the hungry or a drink to the thirsty, welcome a stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, or visit those in prison, we do this for him.4


If we are all created in God’s image, we do not need to look very far to see Jesus. As St. John Chrysostom is purported to have said, “If you do not find Christ in the beggar at the church door, neither will you find him in the chalice.”5


While history was changed forever by the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus two thousand years ago, when we consider the state of the world today, it is clear that we still have a way to go.


I believe it is our calling to work towards the realisation of God’s reign of justice and peace here on earth. God is transforming the world but is doing so through us.


Whenever we pray the Lord’s Prayer, like we will be doing together shortly, we pray for the coming of God’s kingdom, on earth as in heaven. And the realisation of God’s reign of justice and peace makes far more sense to me as an end times scenario than any notion of a rapture to be followed by a great tribulation does.


Today, we celebrate that the Christ the King is indeed coming in glory, and God’s reign of justice and peace will finally come to fruition.


But maybe - just maybe - he is already here. 




Darryl Ward

26 November 2023

1           Matthew 24:34. Mark 13:30


3           John 1:14a

4           Matthew 25:35-36

5           St John Chrysostom (attributed)


All Bible references are from the New Revised Standard Version unless stated otherwise.